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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Possible song choices

"I never get lost by your side"
The only known source of the song is on and not much of this band is available.
Infinite in its music video opportunities, its a song that can be used for pretty much anything but seems to be best suited for a dark gritty video.
easy to follow, the lyrics are not too confusing and its easy to learnt the beat
catchy beat, the beat behind the song is catchy and upbeat
recording quality is pretty good
Lyrics are not too good, a bit dull
The lyrics seem to have no relation to the songs name whatsoever
Only one source of the song exists.
song lyrics are sometimes faded out


"Green Eyed Monster"
The song itself has a relatively good beat to it and as such would be easy to put together a music video to it.
the recording quality is okay
it would be easy to write a narrative for the song
The songs lyrics are not particularly good and the songs structure is a little dull and boring
the overall presentation of the song is boring and drags on.

1 comment:

  1. Can you a) embed the video b) make your lists into bullet points so they are easier to read.
