the Song itself was released in 2012 in conjunction to the hit Disney Movie Wreck It Ralph serving as the end credits theme. The Movie itself was hugely successful in America and the UK. the song itself was and is still played at Floidas Downtown Disney district starting about 2012/2013, during the films release the song came within peak position in the Canadian top 100 tracks in 2012.
It was written and produced by Adamn Young of Owl City with added writing from Matt Thiessen and Brian Lee. Being a Disney Record it is continuously played as said before at Disney licenced locations and assets such as theme parks and stores. Owl City itself is an American project created in 2007 by Adam Young himself first getting attention on the now dead MySpace and then it got signed by Universal republic records in 2008.
The Music video itself mostly features Adam young himself in a performance type narrative but it incorporates more assets within such as movie clips from Wreck It Ralph. Adams inspiration for the song was the clear link between the characters of the movie and the ending of it being e departure of two complelty different Video Game characters.

Within the video it shows Adam as a fairly young adult operating a retro style arcade machine much like the one within the movie which seems to represent the old style of gaming as cool and fun. This also backs up the generic and poor ideology that video games are for male characters and within the background during the opening the female characters are blacked out and dancing around each other and the arcade machines, portraying a possible representation that males take games more seriously; another generic and annoying convention, than the females.
the female characters although colourful are not really sexualised in anyway (which may be purely to keep the happy go lucky Disney style) however they are seen as energetic and colourful wearing colour heavy dresses and costumes, showing that females are more brighter than the men.
Unlike many of Owl city's videos females are seen through and are prominent representing that all genders (apparently there's loads) can also play video games in which goes against the stereotypes that suggest males are more likely to play games. However male dominance is shown throughout with Adam is he one with the most close up and shown in more dynamic shots possibly representing males as being more absorbed by video game culture moreso than the females which just seem to take the whole situations lightly and seem to regard it as fun.
Video games are represented as being cool and flashy as Adam around the 97 second mark suddenly dons a pair of flashy sunglasses being signifies of coolness and as it's aimed at small to young children it's a clear message that video games are cool. Adam himself is playing the game in a cool style being into it and moving around joyously (overreacting the game and showing it as being cooler than it actually is)
The music video eventually turns completely into a pixelated stage showing/representing how video games can completely absorb a person and keep them within the game for a very long time and this is backed up by the cuts to Adam playing the game, he seems to be within the screen itself and thus becoming submerged into it and becomes part of it.
There is a substantial amount of missing male actors from the video it just contains the single Male which represents male dominance and power over everything. However this is most likely a positive scenario as well as a negative one as the male is not objectifying or sexualising females in any way shape or form which might also represent that females are on the same level as males.
The music video itself is aimed at children being extremely tame in its ideologies representing video games as being fun and flashy as well as being a break from the world. As well as represent the fact that video games are for all genders and ages and as it's all live action this representation is amplified dramatically.
The representation of females could be seen by the keen eyed as being evasive and sly due to the female dancers being coloured much like that if PAC Man ghosts or similar colours, this represents a more relatable quality to this video and its older viewers, however this is most likely a nifty reference to a old retro arcade game,
You're making progress with this post, but there's a few things you need to do...
ReplyDelete1. Proofread - some parts just don't make sense.
2. Add the screenshots.
3. Work on the overall structure. USe this kind of pattern: men are represented as being xyz this representation is created through the use of xyz techniques; then do the same for women.