Due to the grungy and fairly dull theme presented within our music video and how dull our song is using dull and grey scale imagery would suit our band and our song choice particularity well.
I tired capturing all the photos with empty and blank areas with nothing much to really look at due to the hopelessness shown within the song choice and that the genre of indie rock suits a more dull.
The use of an urban setting is representative of the genre of indie rock; as the majority of indie rock bands live or perform in an urban environment. Urban environments also offer a lot more in the way of visually portraying glumness in which within the music video is one of the key themes, as such the images of Norwich city would be a great fit into the print productions as it would make the band more alive in terms of where they actually are, being not just in a garden shed singing.
An old factory in which lies dormant on the river edge being graffiti'd and forgotten about, some of the references towards the music video |
This picture of a giant puddle around the Nottcuts parking area is symbolic as a dull gloomy place much like the emotions featured in the music video. |
Some interesting images, but you'll need to do some serious work in post production to make these suitable for a CD cover.